In this day and age, a bride can play with her wedding and that includes her shoes. Check out these pretty, colorful and out of the ordinary shoes of real life brides.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Bridal Shoes to Fit Your Fancy
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Wedding Bright Ideas: Candy Corner
For those who wants a dessert buffet but can't just afford one, you can ask your caterer to just set you up a candy corner! All you need is a long table that you can just easily borrow from your caterer and some bowls and plates that you can supply on your own. You can put serve whatever candy and chocolates you want like gum balls, colorful olli pops, etc. Decorate to suit taste and theme. Good for kids and adult alike!
Here's a beautiful sample from a real wedding featured at The Bride's Cafe.
Here's a beautiful sample from a real wedding featured at The Bride's Cafe.
Friday, June 26, 2009
M & M cru
if you want to watch m & m cru :
have you voted for the teen choice awards 09??!!??

if you havent vote..what are you waiting for??? besides the jonas brothers are gonna be the hosts, and if you had...VOTE AGAIN!! you can vote daily
But the really important part is that it's time to VOTE for your favorite movies, music,TV, athletes, stars, and other stuff too! If you are 13-19 you can cast your votes and make your voice heard. And you can vote EVERY DAY! You heard right, EVERY DAY! So why wouldn't you?
miley cyrus teen choice awards 08
to watch the complete performance of miley click here
Niley special
lets remember this moment at the TEEN CHOICE AWARDS when miley was performing 7 nick or selena, who he have to remember sat together..miley jealous??? 

Before the storm video??
kevin said it might be possible that in the next weeks before the storm will be the next single of the LVTT , so that let us think before the storm may be a video. and the costars will be NILEY
jonas brothers on LARRY KING
jonas brothers were on LARRY KING LIVE the other day, they confirmed they have girlfriends, when larry king asked JOE if his girlfriend was as famous as nick's he said: NOBODY IS MORE FAMOUS THAN MILEY CYRUS.

Kevin also confirmed he had girlfriend, but he wanted to keep the name private.
she's danielle, and old friend from new jersey

And with this was how jonas brothers confirmed they do have girlfriends
Real Life Engagement: Jay and Arvee
This blog will start featuring real life couples' engagement photos and what better photos to start with than ours, right?
Location: Bamboo House, Talipanan, Puerto Galera
Make-Up Artist: Val Villarin
Photographer: Edmund of Nice Print
Location: Bamboo House, Talipanan, Puerto Galera
Make-Up Artist: Val Villarin
Photographer: Edmund of Nice Print
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Interesting Wedding Trivias

The current Guiness Book of World Record holder is 5,334 pounds and was unveiled at Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida on June 12,2003. The five-tiered cake, which measured 22 feet tall, celebrated the wedding of the animated characters Shrek and Fiona.
There were an estimated 150,000 guests at the wedding of V.N. Sudhakaran to N. Sathyalakshmi on September 7,1995 in India.
At the wedding of Aharon Mordecai Rokeah and Sara Lea Lemberger in Jerusalem, Israel on August 4, 1993, there were an estimated 30,000 guests.
The wedding of Arulanantham Suresh Koachim to Christa Rasanayagam on September 6, 2003 featured a record of 79 bridesmaids, 47 groomsmen and a record of 197 feet long wedding bouquet, held by the bride.
Nearly 21,000 couples from the Moonie cult all got married on the same day. The event was also "attended" by another 9,800 couples who took their vows via a satellite link.
Sir Temulji Bhicaji Nariman and Lady Nariman were happily married for 86 years, from 1853 to 1940.
The longest wedding dress train measured 1,203.9m (3,949.8 ft) and was made by Cindy Predhomme and France Loridan (both France) for "Une Semaine Chrono" in Caudry, France on August 5, 2006.
Measured at 670 feet, made by Hege Lorence and Rolf Rotset on June 1, 1996, it was carried by 186 bridesmaids and pageboys.
The longest wedding dress train is found in Germany, it is measured at 157 meters / 515 feet. Imagine trying to get that in the car after the ceremony.
Lauren Lubeck Blair and David E. Hough Blair of Tennessee, USA, married each other for the 83rd time on August 16, 2004, at the Lighthouse Lounge at the Boardwalk Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA! The adoring couple first tied the knot in 1984, and since then they’ve been hitched in the USA, UK, and Dutch Antilles.
Richard and Carole Roble from New York enjoyed marrying each other so much they have taken their vows an incredible 55 times. They carried out each ceremony in different locations including all states in America.
The current Guiness Book of World Record holder is 5,334 pounds and was unveiled at Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida on June 12,2003. The five-tiered cake, which measured 22 feet tall, celebrated the wedding of the animated characters Shrek and Fiona.
There were an estimated 150,000 guests at the wedding of V.N. Sudhakaran to N. Sathyalakshmi on September 7,1995 in India.
At the wedding of Aharon Mordecai Rokeah and Sara Lea Lemberger in Jerusalem, Israel on August 4, 1993, there were an estimated 30,000 guests.
The wedding of Arulanantham Suresh Koachim to Christa Rasanayagam on September 6, 2003 featured a record of 79 bridesmaids, 47 groomsmen and a record of 197 feet long wedding bouquet, held by the bride.
Nearly 21,000 couples from the Moonie cult all got married on the same day. The event was also "attended" by another 9,800 couples who took their vows via a satellite link.
Sir Temulji Bhicaji Nariman and Lady Nariman were happily married for 86 years, from 1853 to 1940.
The longest wedding dress train measured 1,203.9m (3,949.8 ft) and was made by Cindy Predhomme and France Loridan (both France) for "Une Semaine Chrono" in Caudry, France on August 5, 2006.
Measured at 670 feet, made by Hege Lorence and Rolf Rotset on June 1, 1996, it was carried by 186 bridesmaids and pageboys.
The longest wedding dress train is found in Germany, it is measured at 157 meters / 515 feet. Imagine trying to get that in the car after the ceremony.
Lauren Lubeck Blair and David E. Hough Blair of Tennessee, USA, married each other for the 83rd time on August 16, 2004, at the Lighthouse Lounge at the Boardwalk Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA! The adoring couple first tied the knot in 1984, and since then they’ve been hitched in the USA, UK, and Dutch Antilles.
Richard and Carole Roble from New York enjoyed marrying each other so much they have taken their vows an incredible 55 times. They carried out each ceremony in different locations including all states in America.
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